I Deleted My Instagram And I’ve Never Felt Better

For those who don’t know (You couldn’t because I deleted Instagram!), I used to be ALLL OVER IG. I would probably spend a total of about 3 hours on Instagram daily– no joke. Between scrolling mindlessly through my feed to tapping through IG Stories, I can’t believe how much time I wasted literally doing nothing productive.

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An Introduction

The word “function” means an “activity or purpose natural or intended,” and living an intentional life is the main purpose of what drives this blog. Don’t let my name fool you– I’m nowhere near fully functional. But I do my best to live life with intention in every choice, where everything serves a good “function.”

I don’t think anyone ever reaches full “functioning” (What the heck would that even look like?). However, I think that everyone should strive for intentional, functional living, and that also means doing away with what isn’t functioning in our lives.

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